Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ministry at Non Din Daeng

4 nights and 3 days at Non Din Daeng with the YWAM, DTS Team Lonavala, India for ministry in the school (English Camp), at Compassion Ministry (a school run by the church at Non Din Daeng), having fellowship with the youths and getting to know them better and doing church ministry at the same time the team taught the students dance, songs, b-boying, shared bible stories, testimonies, played games with them and teaching them about Jesus Christ and praying with them.

The first School we did ministry was a big school and more than 100 students were present for the English Camp as we divided them into three groups according to their class. We had fun in learning in English through Conversation, Games, Songs, Actions, Drawings and in the afternoon session the team did ministry in the form of dance, songs, sharing testimonies and above all these God has spoken to 8 students who've submitted themselves to know more about Christ and they are not Christians and we are very happy for them. We prayed for them as they came up on stage to start a new life in Christ. 3 of them turn up for youth fellowship in the evening and even this morning at the church and we can see they are serious with God and we believe and pray and also request you to keep them in your prayers as they start to know more and more about Christ.

The ministry at compassion ministry was also a part of God's plan bringing more than 80 kids, we really had a good time though noisy as they are with their ages :-). Here too we had three groups divided and taught them English in the morning in games, drawings, conversation, actions and songs. The afternoon session was fully equipped with fun and action in games, b-boying, dances, sharing stories and praying for them.

All the things we did were all possible because of God's grace and plan for each and every person we meet out there. Not by our might, strength, talents or not by anything that we possess but it happened because it was the purpose of God and we were just following his orders and fulfilling it through the prayers and words of encouragement from you all. To God be the Glory!

(It will be too lengthy to write everything in details so i will let the pictures below speak out the details of what we did at Non Din Daeng)

Pictures are not in order but the caption will say it Blessed!

Our God is a Great Big in Action at Compassion Ministry

Praying for the kid's at the end of the day - they came up seeking for prayer (Compassion Ministry)

Red Light /Green Light Game (Compassion Ministry)

Game-no age no bar (Compassion Ministry)

Musical Chair Game (Compassion Ministry)

(Compassion Ministry)

this says it all what we are doing (Compassion Ministry)

English Class at School (Akru and yebes group) 

English Class at School (Rafael and Eli's group)

English Class at School  (ferdi and prakash group)

Warm up for b-boying with rafael on stage at the school

the team india ywam dts lonavala on stage at the school

students following the beats of the music and actions in uniform


listening to testimony sharing

praying for the students at the end of the day

these are the students who accepted Christ (8 of them) please continue to pray for them as the church at non din daeng do the follow up with them

at the end of a blessed day learning english together, playing games, singing, dancing, listening to testimonies and praying together they deserve a shot :-) as in group pictures

with the youth's at the church and the 2 girls in black shirts (who accepted Christ in school the other day)

the team performing a drama at Son Sung Church

Compassion Ministry 

getting ready for the day ...Compassion Ministry 

Compassion Ministry 

English Class - Compassion Ministry 

Compassion Ministry 

Praise and worship (Non din daeng Church)

Praise and worship (Non din daeng Church)

our translator A on keyboard  during Praise and worship (Non din daeng Church) 

Sunday morning at Non Din Daeng Church

A translating the Sunday Morning Message for Elizabeth

why should the student's have all the fun (Teacher in orange tee enjoying the dance with the students)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Fish Project at Ban Non Te Surin

Last week, in order to help a new believer's family, we travelled 3hrs from Korat to Ban Non Te Surin. We are very thankful to God for the finances that people donated for this family and also thankful to YWAM DTS Lonavala team for their hard work in building the fish tank.

Please keep this fish project in your prayers as we want to see this project successful so that it can help this family get some earning out of rearing cat-fish.

Levelling the ground , mixing sands and cements, laying bricks upon bricks- Ministry in action

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Col.3:17)

the day's hard work rewarded us with some fun moments at the river

Waew's Family