Saturday, April 27, 2013

Village English Camp Day 3

The Village English Camp 2013 was more than an English camp and all things happened for good cos' of all the prayer support and words of encouragement and above all because of the Grace and Blessings of God upon the campers, teams, villagers and everyone who were part of this camp. The 3 days camp was packed with schedules ranging from workshops to games, praise and worship to Sharings, B-boying to Dish washings, Dramas/Skits to Praying, visiting Historical sites to teaching about Life Values, Learning English to hearing Bible Stories and much more. All these things were done, not to show that we are knowing more than others or we are boasting about what we can do, but we did all these as the theme of the camp goes along saying "...because every life counts" and everyone matters equal in the eye of our God and for Him we are all here and it's our part to play help these kid's grow up in the way they should being the children of God. Thank You everyone for your care, prayers and support. May God Bless You all in changing someone's life wherever you are because every life counts!
English Class ...Draw...Colour and learn
Children having a relaxing time and posing for the lens in weird poses :-)
just before every show there's fun to begin with and here we are
 MC Waew
Rafael doing a Freestyle dance
cloudy skies and a cool evening to showcase what the kids learned during 3 days camp
Are you ready for the night ?

Thai Dance Group on stage
B-Boying Group perfoming their shakes in steps

Drama Group on stage

Yoyo and Took Tik busy for the night's tummy

Ferdy and the guitar kids on stage

Team india doing a skit

Campers sharing their testimonies

Team India perfoming Choreography
campers with their gifts
Thank You for the french fries and chicken legs...we're lovin' it

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Village English Camp Day 2 updates in Pictures

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.  You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates

Apart from the normal schedules of singing, learning English, worship, workshops, games and other activities. The campers were blessed with another Fun Package of visiting Sai Ngam at Phimai around 40 minutes drive from the village. 
Sai Ngam is supposedly the largest of these banyan groves in Thailand, spanning an area of some 1,350 square metres. A series of dirt and brick paths meander beneath the trees, and the grove is surrounded by water on all sides
Rafael and the kid's at the back of the truck ready to visit Sai Ngam

Yeah! we are having Fun!

The Campers at Sai Ngam giving their best Pose

Here we are 

The Kids feeding the fishes with grains and enjoying it all

The Kids feeding the fishes with grains and enjoying it all

Took Tik and her group ..SMILE!!!!

Elizabeth and her group full of hands and posturing smiles :-)

Waew with her group on the bridge having a cool refreshing time after the days work 

Monkeying around the banyan trees and branches...dunno which are more naughty the kids or the elders LOL

Bang and Yoyo givin a gleaming cheerful pose

Boys will be Boys...Magnum giving a weird crawling pose

the girls posing before their way back to village


Rafael Winding up the days activity with Zacchaeus Story can see the tax collector here :-)

The Team Prays for the kids as they give their life to Jesus

The Team Prays for the kids as they give their life to Jesus

A Moment of prayer
An evening at Non ta Ko Village

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Village English Camp 2013 - Day 1 News in Pictures

With around 30 kids from three villages the Village English Camp 2013 started off with prayers and word's of encouragement and instructions to be followed for the camp. Thank you everyone for your prayers for making this camp happen. Below are the day-1 events in pictures, we hope this will give you a wider perspective of what we are upto in this camp...enjoy the pictures and keep praying for all of us. To God be the Glory!

Real Village English Camp...the background says it all

Yoyo and Took tik  introducing about the Village English Camp
Campers Listening to Yoyo about the things they will be doing and learning for 3 days

YWAM DTS Lonavala, India introducing themselves to the kids

connect it with the next picture below

He is the reason ...thats why i'm here in this camp

Children's lift up their hands and sings in praise...morning worship hour

Action Songs

Behind the scene..preparing food for everyone

Schedule for 3 days

Our Chef...she cooks only tasty and delicious foods

Saibin and Took tik sharing on God Made You

God Made You ..sharing is fun with drawings and activities

God Made You ..sharing is fun with drawings and activities

Yoyo giving away medals to the best in drawing (Girls)

English Class for the older age groups

Puppets at the Camp :-0 name is Theng...nice to meet you!..English Class with the lower age groups

Lunch Yummy Time

Work team one day for dish washing and they are enjoying it

Workshop 1 - Guitar Class

Workshop 2 - B-boying

Workshop 3 - Drama/Skit

Bird enjoying his guitar classes laughing away his blues in strings

Workshop 4 - Thai Traditional Dance

Afternoon time of worship

Group 1 - Kid's praying together at the outset of a session on teaching them about Life and it's value
Group 2 - Maethi Teaching the kids about Life and its Value

Group 3 - Waew teaching them about Life and it's value

All work and all fun and games today belongs to the kids...Game time

The day came to an end with gathering together and reviewing what we did the whole day